Wild Cherry Bark
Excellent source of vitamin C, this formula acts as an antiseptic and antioxidant. The bilberry contains many anthocyanins (vitamin P, antioxidant) which tone the blood vessels, it is effective against varicose veins, hemorrhoids and capillary fragility due to its source of vitamin C. It contains powerfull anticolibacillaires, so it is excellent for cystitis caused by the accidental presence of E. Coli in the urinary tract.
It has antiseptic, antioxidant, antidiarrheal and anti-hemorrhagic properties. It is effective against mild infections and inflammation of the throat such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.
The wild cherry bark relieves cough irritation and dry throat. Astringent, the bark is prescribed against indigestion and irritation of the intestines, especially of nervous origin. It expels mucus infectious of lung and of respiratory tract.
The rosehips fruit contains vitamin B, PP, provitamin A and minerals. Very rich in vitamin C, it is particularly used to treat infections of influenza. It is used to fight against colds, fevers, mild infections, inflammation of the gums, and to combat diarrhea, dysentery, leukorrhea and bleeding. It is a slightly diuretic.
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