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Cellulite treatment

ESSENTIAL OILS, effective to treat CELLULITE

To prepare to host the summer, here are some suggestions to make you beautiful for the hot season.

Characterized by an aspect of "orange peel" cellulite affects both the round woman and the skinny one. This disgrace aesthetic is not inevitable and with some effort, it can blur.

Massage is one of the arms to leave skin smooth. To split the cellulite and it can be absorbed gradually through the lymphatic and blood, we add essential oils to massage in our database.

In 50ml of massage base, add:

25 drops of essential oil of grapefruit because it stimulates circulation, fight against body fat and because it has a detoxifying action and it is a regeneration of the epidermis.

20 drops of essential oil of cypress, as this is an excellent anti-cellulite, but also to fight against lymphatic and venous congestion.

20 drops of essential oil of lemongrass to tone up the tissues and stimulate circulation (great for fighting against the legs).

15 drops of essential oil of sage to remove accumulations of fat in certain areas and traffic as a decongestant.

Massage the legs upwards. Massage the abdomen with the palm of the hand in the direction of clockwise. Massage the buttocks and hips with an emphasis on nemesis: the saddlebags.

Note: You can use the same recipe of essential oils in a base of bubble bath. Subsequently, complete bath with a shower on fresh legs to the thighs back foot several times.

To maximize the treatment, taken orally, 30 drops three times daily amincisseur formula.

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