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Fragrances: a clean, fresh air or a toxic breath?

Want to live in a home that "feels good", would have an adverse impact on your health!

Candles, sprays, aerosols, deodorant to connect ... these fragrances that allow us to decorate our home and fight against bad smells would be allergens or even carcinogenic. We could talk about ambient pollutants.

Phthalates, benzene, formaldehyde and other compounds found in the air fresheners can cause lung irritation, slowed breathing, contaminate the blood and breast milk. An ordinary scented candle can contain paraffin (petroleum byproduct), a product much cheaper than beeswax or vegetable wax. As for incense sticks, they are no commendable, because the exposure to smoke causes various health problems including cough and asthma. In addition, burning of incense increases the rate of carbon monoxide in the home as well, burning of incense is almost like breathing not far from a tailpipe.

Finally, the toilet blocks also contain substances that are potentially carcinogenic, but also compounds that release chlorine gas upon contact with water and urine, causing fumes irritating to eyes and respiratory tract.

All these items promise a fresh, clean air, but in truth, it spreads a cloud of chemicals in your homes when using these products.

So, whether to create a pleasant atmosphere or to hunt the smell of kitty litter, we would like to use products with a guarantee that they do not contain chemicals harmful to health.

And why not use a diffuser with essential oils! In addition to your home a pleasant scent, essential oils have beneficial properties on health and our moods and their use is safe for your health!

Références :

Parfum environnement danger, http://

Parfum de scandale : Greenpeace

L’UFC-que choisir,

Parfums d’ambiance : nocifs ?,é-et-alimentation/parfum.html

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