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Olfactive Breezes

An invitation to the awakening of the senses.


Oders participate actively into the creation of an atmosphere. Perfume the interior is not only a mark of attention, but above of all it is an invitation to well-being and pleasure.

Smell sense just like touch is the most direct and most sensitive.

The epicenter of this mysterious sense is olfactory mucosa of two or three square centimeters, consisting of some three hundred and fifty receptors and located on the sides and medians of the roof of the nasal cavity. During the so-called sniffing, odor molecules in the air pass through the mucus layer that covers the inner surface of the nasal cavity, then come in contact with receptors in the olfactory mucosa.

Stimulation and olfactory informations goes directly into the cerebral cortex, unlike those that use other senses, which are previously analyzed and filtered before passing into the cerebral cortex.

The scent molecules of essential oils trigger emotional responses of all kinds. They modulate our moods, our emotions, feed our sympathies, generate intense experiences of pleasure or discomfort, give states of appeasement or envy. They may wake up many memories of sensations often forgotten.

Finally, either implicitly or explicitly, the odorant molecules of essential oils can help or hinder the course of thought. From these emotional influences, they are rapidly converted to choice, preferences, attachments or repulsion.


Our Olfactive Breezes
Some essential oils create words while others dissipate pains.

Knowing this, it becomes apparent that essential oils can become part of our well-being in everyday life. Keeping in mind this idea, we developed our own essential oil blends, called "Olfactive Breezes" whose main purpose is to improve and enhance our well-being in everyday life.

Our Olfactive Breezes can immerse an entire room in a cozy, a reassuring or a stimulating atmosphere for those who live, work or spend time in this room.

They are exclusively made with vegetable ingredients. They do not contain chemicals that cause fumes irritating the eyes and respiratory tracts.

Beyond the sweet oder, each Breeze carries the benefits of essential oils, and every breath you take contain the best of its virtues.

Our Breezes seduce those who are hungry for natural perfection and want to win in wellness, or simply renew the pleasure again and again.

Breezes choices

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